Thursday 28 November 2019

What a dark, wet and miserable day here in Porto, feels like its rained every day for the past few weeks.  Doesn't make you feel like going outside so crafting it is.... I have been carrying on with my Christmas 2019 cards so here are a couple more that I have made.

Monday 18 November 2019

Here are some more of the greetings cards I have made for christmas using my bits and pieces from my ever expanding craft stash

Sunday 17 November 2019

It has been a difficult year so far with two close family members passing within two months of each other. So all my good intentions of keeping this blog upto date on a regular basis just flew out of the window. Don't you find life is like that sometimes, throwing curve balls.

I needed some distraction from everyday life and what better time of the year to get my creative mojo back. I have always loved making Christmas cards for my family and friends throughout the world and each card is made with lots of thought and love.

With so many scraps of paper, card, ribbons, embellishments etc to use up, it overtook the craft room. Having everything out scattered all over the place has certainly got the creative juices flowing.

Here are are few of the designs I have made so far. Hope you like them.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Pretty in Pink - Mother's Day card

I don't know why I am obsessed at the moment with the colour pink.... I go through phases of either loving or hating it. This is obviously a loving it phase.

Thought I would design a Mother's Day card using a colour combo of different shades of pastel pink.

Quite pleased with how it turned out.

This personalised card is now available to purchase in my Etsy Shop SweetpeapollysCrafts

Friday 25 January 2019

Valentines' Day Designs

Hi everyone, 2019 started off with all my family coming down with the dreaded flu.  Luckily I have managed to escape it but I've been busy looking after everyone else so not much time for creating new card designs.

Now that everyone is ok I can get back to what I love doing and I have spent the last couple of days squirrelled away in my craft room designing Valentine's Day cards for my Etsy shop SweetpeapollysCrafts.

This elephant is so cute, don't you just love his heart ears!!

Anyway thats it for today, I'll be posting some more designs in the next couple of days.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Gosh I can't believe where this year has gone. I was supposed to regularly post to my blog but somehow time has got the better of me...... I must do better.....

I have been busy with my Etsy shop Sweetpeapollyscrafts building up new personalised card designs which are now starting to be popular.

Being able to be creative and make beautiful things is so rewarding after working in banking for over 36years. Its now time to enjoy myself.

With christmas not so far away I have been making funny cracker joke christmas tags to add to my christmas presents this year you can also find them in my Etsy shop.

Cracker Joke Christmas tags

Christmas tag to add to a Christmas Present

Loving the Christmas colour combination

I've decided to keep a journal to remind me of the important things to do each day as my mind has a habit of wandering off thinking of new things to create. First I have to make maybe I should write that down so I don't forget!!

What a dark, wet and miserable day here in Porto, feels like its rained every day for the past few weeks.  Doesn't make you feel like go...